Children and Families
Children’s Services
All of our GPs are experienced in caring for children from birth through to adulthood. We are able to help with physical and emotional health concerns.
New babies have a GP appointment at 8 weeks for a development check. It is also a chance to discuss any concerns you may have. This coincides with the first immunisations Please book with the nurses for routine vaccinations – these start at 8 weeks.
NHS vaccinations and when to have them – NHS
Book an appointment with a GPChildren's Services Team

Dr James Kabza

Dr Sarah Burkitt
Maternity / Pregnancy care
During your pregnancy you will have the opportunity to have routine checks with both the GP and the midwife. You can self-refer directly to Kingston Hospital Maternity Unit after a positive pregnancy test without needing to see the GP first. The midwife will set up a programme of checks including scans at your first appointment.
Kingston Hospital Maternity Unit