Friends & Family Test
This is a very simple feedback system in place across the NHS.
Friends and Family Test Recent FeedbackPatient Surveys
We regularly seek views from patients on specific aspects of care to help us to shape our services to make sure they are meeting the needs of our patients. These take the form of online surveys that are quick to complete and we really value your co-operation if you receive one.
Feedback Reports
CQC inspection report
National GP Survey
We strive to provide outstanding care but recognise that sometimes things don’t go according to plan.
If you are unhappy about any aspect of your care, please raise your concern as soon as possible. This helps us to look into matters, rectify the situation and learn while events are recent.
If you wish to make a complaint please contact us by email at .
The practice will acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days and aim to have looked into matters within 10 working days. At this stage we will respond with an explanation.
Our aims in responding to complaints are:
- Ascertain the full circumstances of the complaint
- Arrange for you to meet with those concerned, if you wish
- Make sure you receive an apology where this is appropriate
- Learn from events so that we can make changes to ensure a similar situation could not happen again.
If you are making a complaint on behalf of a patient, you will need to obtain their consent in writing.